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Berkeley’s Jewish College Student Communal House

"We are thrilled to tell you that the Berkeley Bayit remodel has begun with completion expected by April 2024!! This coming year the Bayit will be on “Sabbatical” - consider it our biblical Jubilee year.  We look forward to housing students again starting in August of 2024.

Applications for Spring Semester 2025 and the 2025-2026 Bayit are open! Apply at this link.
Please donate a meaningful gift to the capital campaign to help support our efforts and make the house sustainable for another 40 years. 
For more information, please contact us at:"
Our mission is to provide a home for progressive Jewish living, learning and events for both the residents and the Berkeley Jewish college student community.

About Us

Each year, 11-12 students live in the Berkeley Bayit and work to create a fun, distinctly Jewish, communal living environment. More than just a living space, the Bayit is a community initiative. We run programs for the wider UC Berkeley Jewish student community and strive to make the house a home away from home for Jewish students of all backgrounds. We have eight bedrooms, a bay view, and a kosher, vegetarian kitchen to accommodate different levels of kashrut observance, a big living room and a garden. We are located in a quiet residential neighborhood near the stadium in a historic Julia Morgan house that overlooks the campus and the Bay.

Upcoming Events

No events at the moment
Welcome Berkeley Jewish community

Join Us

If you are interested in learning more about the Bayit, or might want to consider living here, you are invited to join us for dinner one night! Contact us for more information or to schedule a time to come over!

We Need Your Support!

Make a tax deductible donation‏.

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